So it all began on June 18, our anniversary and Father's Day. I laid down to take a nap with Jett and felt the lump. How depressing to have to share that news on a day we celebrate so much happiness, right? I immediately googled "lump in breast" (which is the worst thing to do) and found lots of research saying it could be hormonal and of course tons of information regarding cancer. I worried about it nonstop but knew we were preparing for our beach trip the following week and when I returned, I'd go see my doctor.

After arriving at Fripp Island, our most favorite vacation spot, I couldn't remove the terrible thoughts from my mind. Half way through the week, I sent my amazing OBGYN a message on Facebook. Let me say that this woman is one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world, as she delivered our precious son. I'll always remember her comfortably sitting at the end of my hospital bed, pulling my hair in a pony tail during a push break, and making my delivery so easy. So, needless to say...she's very special to us.

She very quickly reassured me that it was ok and that she'd see me when I got back from vacation. The following Wednesday I saw Dr.Keith, who sent me to have a mammogram and ultrasound to see exactly what this booger was. They scheduled a biopsy for the very next day. Other than having Jett, I've never had any other procedure so I was quite apprehensive. My first nurse was named Kristen and the second one was Andrea, my sister's name. I knew then that I was in good hands. The radiologist was super nice, as were the nurses, and we talked about everything under the sun which made this step quite easy. Knowing nothing, I left saying tons of prayers for good results and was told they'd call me Wednesday or Thursday with the results. Now keep in mind, Vacation Bible School was in full swing at this time. God truly knew what he was doing by putting this speed bump in my life during such a busy, crazy week, running around God's house with lots of precious kiddos and volunteers that I love dearly. I did take that night off from VBS and I felt the Lord preparing me for something that was going to hit hard. The following morning I got a call from my OBGYN's office and Dr. Keith wanted to see us at noon. That phone call left me speechless. I knew that it wasn't just an old cyst if she wanted us to come in. J met me at the doctor and Dr. Keith shared the news with us. I had breast cancer. (Stage 2, infiltrating duct carcinoma) That's what she said. But what she said after those words will forever stay in my mind and heart. You have exactly what I had and you are going to be fine. You see, Dr. Keith, is a breast cancer survivor. Yeah! Wow! Talk about someone that knows exactly how you are feeling, giving you the news. She shared all the details and more and we left speechless. Sharing the news with our immediate family was next on the agenda for the day. Talk about hard?? Telling both sets of wonderful parents that love us so much and seeing them cry for their children, broke our hearts. Our sisters, family, and close friends were next on the list to notify and let me just say this.....never have I ever felt so loved and cared for than I have felt over the last two weeks. So many friends and family members have reached out to us and taken our hands, ready to walk down this road. I cannot tell you how much comfort that brings to our family. From my closest girls gathering at our house that night to hold me, to cards, and food, and calls, and flowers...this girl feels like anything is possible, especially with my Heavenly Father right by my side.

Daily, I wake up to texts from my dearest friends with pictures of their morning devotions and bible verses to get me through the day. I get calls just to say I love you. My precious friend from high school started a fundraiser to help our family and people are already joining my team for Race for the Cure! Y'all...this might be one heck of a year and I know it's not going to be a piece of cake, but the support system God has given me and knowing HIS unconditional love, allows me to take this bull by the horns. This cactus that was given to me...I'm not going to sit on it and it is not going to prick me. And yes...the cactus love began about 3 months before all of this. Having a cowboy for a husband and a western themed classroom, lead me to my love for cacti. So for now....I've seen my surgeon (who is great) and am waiting for an appointment with my oncologist. They say chemo will be first, surgery, then radiation. I'm planning on starting school and working. Yes. I am aware that that plan may be altered as to how I feel, but for right now, I'm looking forward to setting up my classroom, and meeting my cute little Giddy-Ups. As for our precious baby boy, he doesn't know much and I'm ok with that.

J has talked with him about mommy being sick and being gentle and hearing his nightly prayers of asking Jesus to make his mommy feel better, leave me in tears every single night as I drift off to sleep. Children are such a gift and truly, he makes my days sweeter. Looking forward to writing daily to keep all of you up to speed throughout this journey. Keep the prayers coming, as they are felt constantly by us all. Much love.
“Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”
Psalm 62:8