As I put on these adorable leggings from my best friend, to rock to the hospital, I couldn’t help but remember this quote a friend shared with me once. “Why wish upon a star, when you can pray to the THE ONE that made it?” And then I couldn’t stop singing the verse from “Do you hear what I hear?”- “a star, a star, dancing in the night, with a tail as big as a kite, with a tail as big as a kite.” So praying to THE ONE and belting out this tune was exactly what I did while getting ready for this adventure yesterday morning.
This holiday break from school came a little early as I scheduled my hysterectomy for December 20. This surgery had been in the works for a long while as my doctors suggested to definitely have my ovaries removed, as I had an increased risk of ovarian cancer. And after taking so much time off last year with chemo, a double mastectomy, and radiation...this holiday break seemed like the perfect time, without having to use many sick days.

Yesterday morning began with tons of snuggles from my little guy as I didn’t have to be at the hospital until 10. Jett is growing so fast but he still loves to curl up in my lap, twirl my hair, and let me love on him. I’ll cherish every second of this time as I know it won’t last forever. So a little Doc McStuffins and reading Christmas books was just what we spent our early morning doing. After dropping him off at school and then heading to the hospital, one of my favorite songs happened to come on the radio. Music speaks to me so and so when “Tremble” came on, I about lost it.
Just last week out of the blue, Jett started singing this song in the midst of singing a Christmas carole and it was so precious. I wonder where he gets his love of music from!? J dropped me off at the door, I registered, and then back we went to start the Preop process with the sweetest nurses. I seriously cannot even count how many wonderful ones we have had, as they all have made us feel so at peace during very scary times. They say teaching takes a special person and nursing absolutely does too. To all the nurses who have been by my side throughout this process...thank you for a job well done! Blood pressure was good, IV went in easy (thank goodness), chaplain came to visit, our pastor and a dear friend came to pray with us as well, and then came the wait for the ride to the operating room. This time was spent with my parents, J, and my best friend, as they do the best job, making fun small talk.
My precious doctor, who has been with us the whole time and delivered Jett, performed the surgery. She stopped by to chat before we went back and seriously just knowing that I was in her care, under the knife, made many of the anxious feelings go completely away. God truly gave her the warmest heart, tons of knowledge, and a tender, loving spirit that so many love. She rubbed my arm as the anesthesiologist started the “sleepy” medicine as another nurse rubbed my face while I drifted off to sleep. That just goes above and beyond, y’all! How could I not know that God placed these angels in my path to make this part of the process a little less scary. So the procedure was done, and I woke up to find that I was in recovery and all went well. Two hours later, I was headed home to be loved on by a handsome nurse who hasn’t left my side through this whole journey. From writing down the time I take my medicine, to helping me up to shift positions, to laying beside me just to talk, and so much more, he truly is my one true love. God knew exactly what he was doing all those years ago, putting us back together after a million silly break-ups. At 15 and 19, we sure didn’t know what our lives would look like down the road, but I can honestly say that growing older with this man has been a joy. Goodness, I want to be a better person like him everyday! Jett came for a visit to give us his Christmas present that he made at school. Oh how this made my night. He very gently kissed me on my legs and hugged my neck with such love.
So now to heal...3 weeks is the projected time, which will be close to when we head back to school. I’ll go back for a couple of half days just to ease myself back into the routine.
Christmas is truly around the corner and we’ve got an excited little dude that Santa will visit with lots of goodies, I know. I’ve had a checklist during the last few weeks and I hope that all is done and ready.
Last year on December 22, I had my last chemo treatment and this year a hysterectomy. I’ve tried to remember every single day just how bad I felt during the chemo, so that I could cherish the good feeling days, especially during this holiday season.
I’m just so thankful for another year of life that God has blessed me with. Another year to be a wife and a mommy. Another year to spend time with my family and friends. Another year to share my story. God is not done with me yet and I pray that I’ll be able to walk this Earth for many more years, sharing His love, His grace, His mercy, and His truth. Much love to you all and Merry Christmas. May you never forget the reason for the season.