My long time friend Jane sent me a podcast today called "Through the eyes of a lion" and boy did I need it. I posted this picture on Tuesday because I simply needed Jesus and your prayers.

I called out to Him and he took charge and helped me stand up again to prove that all things are possible with Him. I was weak and hurting. Chemo #3 was tough. The terrible hurricane Irma was devastating to so many in our country, and the stormy weather here, had me confined to our house. I believe I had a little bit of cabin fever. Jett was up at 5 AM on Tuesday morning, going 100 mph, Jeremy left for work not sure of when he would return home because of all of the power outages, I was tired, and felt like a horrible mommy who couldn't keep her eyes open. I felt the weight of the world on top of me. Calling my mom who is always there to listen was first, who called my dad because she had a hair appointment and couldn't come be with me at that moment. My sweet daddy came and laid on my bed with me and let me cry. He held my hand and wiped away those big tears. I truly was battling depression and y'all..I've never experienced it like this. Of course I went through some depression when we wanted a baby. I remember crying myself to sleep at night and praying for God to grant us a child. And he did. In his timing. But on this day, the devil was trying to inch into my heart and take over completely. I had to really dig down deep and trust His promises. I wanted to throw my hands up, but I didn't and had to remember this is part of God's plan and I need to lean in more to His word. When I trust and obey Him, I feel so close and the sense of calmness and reassurance is overwhelming.
So after such a terrible morning of pain and sadness, my mom finished up her hair appointment., took us to Target where Jett melted down over not getting a Spider Man umbrella. Target usually brings lots of happiness to us all, but this day was a struggle in all for everyone. Lunch followed with take out from Panera and I did begin to feel better after getting out a little. Things were looking up and my attitude started to improve. I continued to call on Jesus though to pull me through. They say to always keep your head up because if it is down you won't be able to see the blessings God has put into your life. And let me just say the blessings flowed in like a rushing river all of a sudden. Dinner was brought by our sweet cousin, Leanne, along with her two littles which included some playtime with Jett and adult interaction for me.
The cute Smith sisters that I've never actually met, but already love, showed up to let me know that they've been praying for me and brought cactus pens for my classroom and hugs. My friend Erica came carrying a life sized Cat Boy character that doesnt leave our side for Jett and loved on us.
An apple pie and a bushel of apples from an amazing breast cancer survivor herself, Brandi and her angel of a husband, Chris. And then pumpkins for our mantle from my high school friend Leigh Anne and her girls. I mean, I wanted to just fall on my knees as I was overwhelmed with the kindness of these precious people as they took the time to come and love on us on a day that began so terribly. This storm has truly allowed us see to how Jesus wants us to love on people in your community and be servants to others during all trials of life. I pray we can pour the blessings we've received lately on others in the future immensely.
So listening to this podcast by Levi Lousko, I took some notes. Listen to this link above when you can but here are a few highlights that I jotted down and wanted to share:
*Look at life through a lions' eyes. Lions see long sided. They can see long distances and they have a white stripe under each eye which causes all visible light to go in. They can take advantage of all light and we need to focus on Jesus' light and see his plan that lays before us.
*What God produces in you, you can keep forever in eternity.
*Let God use your pain. Believe that inside of any pain, there is power.
*Live with your heart set on Heaven, but with your feet still on Earth isn't easy.
*Suffering is not an obstacle to being used by God. It is an opportunity for you to be used by God like never before.
So I'll end with this...
Jesus, I want to be that soldier, roaring my way through this tough battle. Thank you for being my rock and allowing me to stand on your promises.
Next week I'll have my last big chemo treatment, followed by 12 Taxol treatments on Fridays through December.
Here are some prayer requests...
Platelet counts up on Wednesday so I can have chemo
Strength and power like no other to rise above the depressing moments
J, Jett and our family as they do so much to help me with every day life
Pray for all those that have suffered in the hurricanes and some people that are so near and dear to our family that have their own storms right now
"The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord, lack no good thing." Psalm 34:10
Oh and don't forget to register under Tribe Cactus for
Race for the Cure. We're ready! Love to all!
Kristen, you are looking at this through the eyes of a lioness! Your strength and the strength of your faith are an inspiration. Your little one has an incredible momma. I've read your prayer requests- I'll have you in my thoughts and prayers this week. Hello to your mom and dad!