I now know that God had a plan for every single ounce of both our lives and that he was just paving the path that year and that road would be complete years later. As a teenage girl, I just knew that he was cute and fun to be around and was “in love” with a cowboy. We had just moved from Summerville and so I was meeting tons of new people at school and around the community. When I asked my parents if I could go to a bonfire with Jeremy Gault, they were a little hesitant. It was after my daddy realized that he knew his parents and that they went to high school with each other since my dad grew up here. So I got to go and that’s when it all began. Long talks on the phone until we literally fell asleep, prom, rodeo nights, Scuffletown, family events, etc…we had lots of fun. But there were days when we were still young and carefree and so some days were tough as I think I wanted more of a serious relationship than he did. Let’s be honest….he was still sowing his oats and wasn't ready for that commitment. We dated off and on for 10 years, probably more off than on, but when I was in my senior year of Clemson, we both decided that that we were meant to be together. It was two years after that under a beautiful, old oak tree in our yard, that he popped the question and we walked down the aisle 7 months later.
So throughout all of our years together, and J’s whole life really, horses and rodeo have been his thing. His uncles were involved in horse shows and rodeos and so every single weekend consisted of a roping somewhere in the southeast area or a rodeo. I’d go to many and was always proud of him if he caught the steer or not. But...it's a gamble. Practice and practice and practice but still, it all depends on that steer and luck. He always picks himself up after a bad run and tries again. That makes me proud. And that legacy for a love of horses and riding will most likely continue in in our little fellow. Right now, he wants to be just like his daddy, down to the shoes, hat, belt, and jeans he wears. All he wants to do is ride in the wind with the big boys. His favorite song right now is “Cowboys like us” by George Strait and he knows every single word.
When the news of the professional rodeo coming to Fountain Inn came during the summer, we knew we’d be there as some of dearest friends were putting it on. Little did we know that I would have been diagnosed with breast cancer, and the support that would come with that as the contestants and fans wore pink to show their love on Saturday night. My little boy was excited for weeks as we talked about how he’d ride in the grand entry with his daddy. And that was one special moment that left this mommy speechless and in tears. A little boy starting to follow his dreams… I’m pretty sure he dreamed about his future on the rodeo road that night.

Thanks to all of you that came out and loved on us. We were overwhelmed with the kind words, hugs, but most of all your continued prayers. 

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23
So with no more days off from school for chemo, I felt like I started school all over again this week. 16 years in the same grade helps tremendously as I know the standards and curriculum. My team is wonderful and so helpful when days get tough. The morning routine at home is hard sometimes with a strong-willed little fellow. I was telling someone the other day that getting myself and Jett ready in the morning is like a hard core workout at the gym. I feel as if I’ve climbed 17 flights of stairs and ran miles and miles when I finally get us in the car to go to school. But all in all, school is going great for both of us. Jett’s adjusted well and my students are absolutely precious. I’m so glad to be back with them on a regular basis. I have to give props to my wonderful sub Katherine who kept their world going when I was out. She graded every set of papers, taught every lesson I planned, and kept them all alive. So she's ultimately a rockstar!
It's been so dang hot so I wore my wig in a ponytail for the first time in awhile and one of my little fellows asked if I had gotten a haircut. I really wanted to hug his neck as I’m so glad he thinks my hair is real and that I look perfectly normal and healthy in his little eyes. I hope that’s the way all of my kids see me. This job isn’t for the faint at heart, but it's oh so rewarding. I am thankful each day for God leading me to this profession and that I haven’t lost the passion as some do. Someone once told me that “every child in your class is someone’s whole world.” And how true is that!
So God had that grand plan for J and I many years ago. Little did we know we'd be here. 22 years together with a little boy that steals our hearts every second of the day.
Can't wait to see many of you Saturday at the race! Let's race for that cure. I want to see my little fellow live out his legacy, roping and riding, and chasing the sun!
Here's some prayer requests…
Pray for all those registered for RACE for the CURE! And pray for an ultimate cure for all cancer!
Continue to pray I stay healthy and can teach each day
Pray for Jett and his daily school life…it’s tough being 3.5 and being GOOD all the time
Pray for my first TAXOL round on Friday, October 6
Pray for J, my mom and dad, and all those that help me so much on a daily basis