Chemo #7, last Friday, started with a precious visit from my friend Hollis (a breast cancer survivor, herself). She came carrying the prettiest little pink roses and sent me the sweetest devotion about how just like leaves fall from trees, our life can seem like things are falling apart….but to always look for the roses around the corner. God is so good to remind us that HIS grace and goodness still lie ahead in our trials. I prayed that morning for an easy treatment and after yet another scare, the easy did come (later). My mom was there for this one along with J and my daddy, and they all saw the reaction. I knew the seriousness when I saw the terror in my mom’s eyes as soon as it happened. She said my face went from skin tone to blue in milliseconds, as the breathing became extremely hard, and then excruciating back pain. The nurses were once again amazing, stopping the Taxol, which immediately reduces the severity of the reaction, and then waiting a little while before starting back at a slower rate. The second start up went well and I actually slept like a baby through the last two hours of treatment-see that was the EASY part. The steroids that I’m taking are keeping me up ALL NIGHT LONG on Thursday evenings so by Friday afternoon and teaching all week, I am exhausted. Saturdays have been good days and it usually hits me around 4 on Sundays through Monday when my body aches like thick, mushy slime is being poured down my neck and back. Mouth sores have been super yucky and thrush came with this treatment, making my mouth hurt like never before. The nurses at the triage center are awesome with solutions to make this process easier with sending quick medications to the pharmacy for pick up. It just seems like something else with each one but at least they have quick fixes that seem to work. My eyebrows have started to deminish ever so slightly but thanks to this goodie, I feel like I look somewhat normal or some may think I'm wearing Halloween make up??? Ka-Brow is the Ka-Boom!
This week has been a busy one with standardized testing in 2nd grade, the Halloween excitement from my own little guy and 23 students, and planning for the Clemson game this weekend. I am over the moon excited about being in THE VALLEY with 80,000 of my friends and family who love our TIGERS. Please pray for the rain to go another direction and for the day to be beautiful. It is such an honor to have been chosen by Bon Secours St. Francis for the SPIRIT of the TIGER honoree and team captain for this game as we raise awareness for early detection in breast cancer. I can’t wait to see the hundreds of pink balloons released as the most exciting 25 seconds of college football happens with the players running down the hill. I know this moment will be emotional for lots, as so many of my friends and family know someone who has battled this fight and lost someone dear to them. I hope you will join me, rain or shine, cold or hot, sopping wet or dry…cheer loud and proud and know that I love you all! I’ve been practicing the C-L-E-M-S-O-N T-I-G-E-R-S cheer with Jett. He does pretty good with the letters, occasionally just saying his ABC’s within in, but he’s got the FIGHT, TIGERS, FIGHT, TIGERS, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. And guess what! That’s all I care about. I'm a tiger alumni, proud of Clemson, and fighting for my life.
So I keep thinking about those roses and how we need to look for the good in every situation…as much sadness that comes with rain, can also be a joyous time, surrounded by those who love you. So that’s what Saturday will be…I may be soaking wet, but I’ll stand proud and know that sunshine will come one day. That my friends was part of God’s promise. This poem has brought such peace and I’d love to share it with you…God’s Promise (author unknown)
God never promised
A life without pain,
Laughter without tears,
Or sun without rain.
But He did promise strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears
And light for the way.
And for all who believe
In His heaven above
He rewards their faith
In his everlasting love.
So look for your pink roses amongst the fall leaves currently falling…they just might be around the corner.
Please pray for Chemo #8 tomorrow. It’s HALFWAY TREATMENT DAY! HOORAY!
Pray for a beautiful day in Clemson on Saturday.
Pray for the remaining treatments and that slowing the Taxol down will continue to work and shrink the tumor
Pray for upcoming surgery decisions
Pray for all of my nurses and doctors as they’ve been amazing caregivers
Pray for my family and friends as they’ve stood by me and loved me through this battle
“May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 5:13
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