During the entire process of Chemo #8, this song was rolling through my head. "All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Lord unto me." Wow! And that's all I needed!
Starting the morning at school with a little bit of anxiousness on my heart, the secretary called down for all staff to take a picture for our PINK OUT for Breast Cancer Awareness Day. When I rounded the corner and saw the crowd, my eyes couldn't hold back the tears. My 2nd grade BCES team, staff, administration and all of my past and present parents have been so supportive during this time in my life. Love abounds in that building, and I couldn't be more grateful than to work with such a precious group of colleagues. 
Testing and a little teaching came after this and then a delicious lunch before the poison went into my body to kill the mean cancer. My dad and J were alongside me the whole time and I slept through most of it, surprisingly. I kept waking up to see them watching over me carefully but would always drift right back to a world of dreamland. I'm thinking my jersey must've brought some luck with me! I mean my team did with the Natty, right??!! 
Doctor Dyar, my oncologist, came by to check on me and was pleased with how starting the Taxol at a slower rate made the reactions not occur. We talked a little about my upcoming surgery and that should take place mid February. But all in all, he was super happy with the progesss we've made and that there were no terrible side effects during this treatment.
So thanks be to God for this! His hand was on me the whole time, giving me the peace I needed to rest, take the meds, stay calm, and walk out of the center with a huge smile of being halfway done. I couldn't help but stop at the beautiful statue of Jesus our front once again and whisper a word of thanks.
He's so good, ALL the time.
So now for today! Jett's got a tummy bug and I'm just praying he'll perk up enough to make it to the big game! Plans have changed and we won't be tailgating, but will be stopping by one of my favorite restaurants in Piedmont, Saluda Grill with a big ole' large group of my best friends and family for a dry tailgate meal before enduring the rain. Like I said earlier, I may be soaking wet, alongside many I love, but that won't keep me away from Death Valley today! 
So if you are at the game in the pouring rain, cheer loud! And if you are at home sitting in your warm, dry home....think of us and cheer for those TIGERS! It's sure to be tons of fun!
Thanks for all of your kind words and constant prayers. I just continue to stand amazed at how God has blessed me every inch down this road with HIS LOVE, HIS GRACE, and HIS MERCY.
GREAT is Thy faithfulness , for sure!
GREAT is Thy faithfulness , for sure!
"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12
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