Today was a milestone kind of day as I finished 17/33 of my radiation treatments. I’ve gotten into a routine and the actual treatments are a piece of cake. I never thought I’d say that but they are. I look forward to seeing the techs each morning and am so thankful for each of them as they seal the deal on the cancer cells. The skin is starting to chap slightly but the topical solution prescribed helps. I don’t miss a single dose of rubbing that in to help protect the skin.
A few days ago, while waiting for treatment, I met a lady that was diagnosed two weeks after me and has been following my blog and story. She was so kind as she shared how it has helped her a lot with knowing what to expect during each step of the breast cancer journey, from the port placement to now radiation. It meant so much to hear that the words God has helped me write, have been those of inspiration to her during her fight.
And then today I saw her again. She’s actually the mother of a friend of mine. What a small world!![](
So after I finished my 17th round, I met my boys and enjoyed a little breakfast at one my favorites, Maple Street Biscuit Company. I always get a delicious chicken biscuit, topped with bacon, covered in maple syrup. Y’all! I could lick the plate clean when I’m done, it’s that good. And it is such a fun restaurant, the food is amazing, the staff is extra friendly, and was a perfect place to celebrate this day I’ve had marked on my calendar!
After that goodness filled our bellies, I came home to do somethings around the house and painted with my cute buddy.
I then sat down to read my devotion for today. Isn’t it amazing how sometimes they are perfectly written for what’s going on in your life, at that very moment? It focused on suffering and struggles. Whoa! Speak to me God! Don’t we all experience these throughout our lives, daily?
Right now one of my sweet teacher friends has a baby that is fighting for her life. Hadley Ann was born on Monday and was diagnosed Tuesday with CDH-Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. She underwent surgery on Thursday and did great. The doctor was pleased with how smooth the surgery went as he stitched up the hole in her diaphragm. Please continue to pray for her mommy and daddy, 2 older brothers, and this sweet baby as she still has quite a road to being completely well.
Many staff and friends gathered yesterday at our school to lift this angel up, praying for ultimate healing and the doctors. I just know that as Miss Hadley grows up, she will forever be able to tell the testimony of God healing her body. Sweet girl...we are continuing to pray for you as you continue to fight through this storm. I know that you were fearfully and wonderfully made and that God will hold you in His hands throughout your entire life. He’s promised us that. And I’ve heard you are fiesty so fight , fight, fight, baby girl!
So back to the devotion for today, in Paul’s letter to Timothy, he shares that struggles will come our way. We are marked by the battles we fight in our lives, and everyone’s battle is different. Our hearts, minds, and bodies bear the scars of this world. But our job is to show God’s power in our weak times, praising His name.
These past 8 months have definitely been a struggle
at times, for sure.
But those times have allowed me to see God’s work, as he’s healed me, made me stronger, and helped me to fully rely on Him through the dark times.
We all experience different situations that bring us closer to Him and one of my “breast friends” shared my very own surgeon’s testimony with me recently. Listen as he shares how God is in the miracle business.
I’ve sent this to many of my close friends and family but wanted everyone to watch. This touched us all so much, coming from such a precious man that worked with my team to save my life. If you ever read this Doctor Millican, thank you for your perfect removal of the tumor from my body that tried to kill me.
So we know miracles can happen.
It was a miracle that sweet Hadley Ann’s mommy knew something wasn’t quite right in the wee hours of the morning, after she was born.
It was a miracle that Doctor Millican’s son was found safe and sound.
It was a miracle that I found my tumor when I did and that it was contained.
God listens.
He understands our hopes and fears.
And when we trust in His love, miracles take place.
“We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.”
2 Corinthians 4:8-10
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