The Power of Prayer

I had lunch today with a former pastor of ours and his sweet wife in little ole Fountain Inn.  What a blessing they have been to our family and just mean so much to us.  When he found out my news, he stopped and called from the airport as they were leaving shortly for a mission trip to Cuba.  It meant so much to hear his voice and for him to pray with me during his scary time.  He was the one that dedicated Jett to our Lord and Savior in March of 2014.  I'll never forget that Sunday morning.  

As exciting of a day that was, it was one of the worst days of our life too.  J's truck was stolen out of our driveway that morning.  Yep!  I remember waking up around 7 and looking out that window and it being there and then walking out the door, heading to church around 8 and it being gone.  Of course we felt like the devil was in total control at that moment as we panicked and called the police.  All would be on hold until after church and after we celebrated such a precious time with family and friends.  Pastor Rob truly made all those worries and ill feelings disappear as he led the dedication and preached his heart out that morning.  The truck was found the next day,  but whew!  So back to lunch...we caught up with lots of stories and more about my upcoming appointments and then Miss Sandy shared about a time when she was sick and how a miracle occurred in her life after she was prayed over and anointed with oil.  Read the passage from James below...

So after they shared this passage with me, I asked them if they would join me, as J and his prayer group of friends was going to pray over me.  J has been meeting with this small group of men for about 8 years and they asked him last week to bring me and of course I went.  During this hour of time together, I have never felt closer to God than I did tonight.  These 6 men, Jeremy, and Mr. and Mrs. White gathered around me and prayed for my healing, wisdom for the doctors, peace for my family during this time, strength for Jeremy to be my rock, and for Jett. Wow!  Talk about the power of prayer!!?  They say that prayer is the most powerful weapon against trials and to never doubt it.  I don't.   It works.  It's true. The power is undeniable.  God's plan is perfect.  He has made no mistakes.  The road is paved and ready for me and I am going to walk on that road praising His name.  

And then I come home to pictures from some of my precious friends spending time on the beach and stopping to remember me.  See the cactus behind one of my best friends and her family?  How fun is that?!! And one of my sweet former students rocking her cactus shirt for me!  💕 
Like I said in an earlier post, Fripp Island is one of my favorite places ever and how I live for that week each year to soak up such a beautiful creation.  While there in June I couldn't help but think about the song "Oceans" by Hillsong every time I sat at the edge of the ocean.  "And I will call upon your name, and keep my eyes above the waves, when oceans rise, my soul will rest in your embrace...for I am Yours and You are mine."  I can rest knowing that.  

I did hear from my oncologist today and I'll see him on Thursday at 9:30.  Pray for him and his team as they choose the correct plan of action for me.  Pray like we did tonight for a miracle and for this tumor to leave my body and leave them speechless.  Pray!  Love you all so much!  

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you;he will never leave you or forsake you.  Do not be afraid or discouraged."  Deuteronomy 31:8



  1. Kristen, this is so powerful! Your courage and faith are exuberant in your daily walk, and they always have been! May the prayers of many be felt as we continue to pray for a miracle. What a testimony you are! Love you

  2. Another beautiful writing. Will pray for these requests. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Your blog is wonderful! It gives me strength too!!
    Love you friend!!

  4. Such an uplifting update! Love and prayers to you and your family!!

  5. Oh my darling. Your post tonight brings me to tears. I remember the day so clearly when the deacons and pastors of our church prayed over and anointed Stephen with oils. I remember the total feeling of peace we felt after those prayers. I have no doubt at all in the power of prayer. I love you. I can't wait to see how God shows His greatness through your storm.

  6. Beautiful! Stay strong, prayers will carry you, and of course, God is watching for a safe journey. Love to all!

  7. Praying for you and your family.
    Joshua 1:9 HE goes before you every step of the way.
    Michelle McCaleb

  8. Rob White (and Sandi) is one of a kind. What a precious couple! And I'm so thankful you are sharing your journey. Continuing prayers and thoughts for you and your family!


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