October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and I’ve always thought that the way it was recognized during football games across the country was very special. To see the coaches rock their pink athletic wear, to the players flashing their pink gloves and sweatbands, the cheerleaders with pink pompoms, and lastly to the pink balloons released sometimes, it makes me proud to see the love and support for those battling this disease and those that sadly lost the battle. Never did I think I would be that statistic. 1 in 8. Every single day I am in awe of the opportunities I have been given and the special friendships I have made from this. Bon Secours St. Francis Health System has been unbelievable, every step of the way. From having the upmost care during my pregnancy and delivery of Jett, to the day I met with my precious doctor who felt the lump for the first time, the mammograms, biopsies, and the minute I was told the news….their care has been TOP NOTCH. So when they asked if I would be the team captain for this game, I of course accepted, proud to be their patient and on their healthcare team, as well as supporting Clemson. Never in a million years did I think my picture would be on the “big screen” in DEATH VALLEY. But from the day of my first chemo when I learned about this special day in Clemson, I’ve been more than excited. To share my story with lots of others, bringing awareness to breast cancer, and giving ALL the glory to GOD, was an honor and such a humbling experience. The stadium, the university, the cute town, the whole place. It’s special to me. It’s not just where I went to college and made tons of memories, it’s not just where I received a teaching degree for what I love to do each day, it’s a place I’ve always loved and treasured. It's a little bit of home to me. I remember KFC tailgates and sitting on the hill with my family as a small child, going to church on Sundays with sunburned tiger paws on my cheeks, and being told my hair was the color of “Clemson”. Clemson is special. They will always be my favorite team…winning or losing! I’m ALL IN forever!
So for the game details...lots of my friends and family met for an early tailgating dinner and drove into Tigertown. Not a drop of rain fell on us as we walked into the stadium and to our seats. The downpour began during the pregame show, but nothing could contain the excitement as I sang "God Bless America", our National Anthem, and Clemson's alma mater at the top of my lungs. When the team came down the hill and I saw Jett's excitement, I almost lost it. His little hands clapped so hard for a team that his mommy has talked and talked about. For this was the first time that he and J had been in Death Valley with me. But the moment that took the cake was when I was featured as the Spirit of the Tiger Honoree. J's hand on my shoulder and hearing my story, took my breath. It meant so much. Winning the game was sweet too! So I'll do as it says in our alma mater..."that the tiger's roar may echo, oer the mountain height". I'll try my best to be strong like a tiger, continue to fight, and roar loudly God's name each day! Thanks for all who came and endured the rain! We love you all tons and it truly meant so much to have you in that stadium cheering "all in for Kristen".

Thank you for praying specifically for these requests...
Pray for Jett as he has strep.
Pray that J, my parents, and I stay healthy as we care for a sick little buddy.
Pray that my counts stay up.
Pray for the upcoming 7 treatments and that they go as smoothly as the last one. (Slow and steady wins the race!)
Pray for my doctors and nurses.
Pray for decision regarding surgery.
Continue to pray for those that are being diagnosed and their upcoming road to survival!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do nor be afraid; not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9