My mom sent me this during chemo today as she was keeping our Jett. And today was brighter and so EASY. Now that they've got me figured out and know that I have to take the Taxol in at a slower rate, these next 7 should go smoothly. God hears our prayers and He's just that awesome. After teaching a half day, J and I jammed on our way to lunch to one of my favorite songs... Ellie Holcomb's "Find you Near". The lyrics just move me to tears every. single. time.
This girl loves some country cooking so that led us to one of our favorite little "hole in the wall" restaurants, Memo's. It's a meat and three lunch dive and it hit the spot. A trip to the scale, blood pressure check, and blood work was up next, along with a visit with the nurses, and then chemo. My counts were good and so infusion started promptly with a special visit from my friend Jenn. She was diagnosed just 12 days after me and we've been in touch via Facebook ever since, checking in on each other weekly. We have a few mutual friends that brought us together but we've never met face to face. Her story just moved me to tears today, along with getting to hug her neck. It's just amazing how God has put these precious people along this road. I truly felt like I've know her all my life and can't wait to see her again soon, hopefully not at the cancer center but for a nice dinner! Friends don't let friends fight cancer alone so we're in this together and that makes things a little easier.
J was my trusty sidekick once again, as he hasn't missed a single one. He monitors the bags of meds and let's me know how much more I have to go. He's just amazing and I know if has to be hard sitting there watching me go through all of this, but man he's brave and strong and so dang faithful! He's always saying something to cheer me up.

So the new policy is no more than 2 adults can come back with you and I think I'm partially to blame for this. Whoops! One nurse said to me once, "yeah you are the one that brings the party 🎉??!!" (With a little sarcasm.) I didn't really like that comment because let's be real! Getting poison pumped into your body is NO fun. So why not have the people you love surround you with happiness in your little cubicle during this yucky time. I've been blessed with many visitors who want to be there for support, who come to pray with me and hold my hand when I'm scared. I know that it may get a little louder as we tend to laugh and talk a little too much, but I'm not loving the new rule. We now have to take turns, 2 at a time, and that makes me sad but I'll listen. I sure don't want to get kicked out!
Can y'all believe Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner? It's time to put up the tree and wrap presents! Ahhhh! It's truly is my most favorite time of the year! Good reads and decorating ideas were just what I needed and Erica didn't disappoint.

She's been amazing too, always pouring out her love on me and others. Today I shared Jenn's blog with Erica and she looked down at her wrist and said when I meet her, I'm going to give her this bracelet because it has the Bible verse she shared on it. And then she took off her very own Tribe Cactus bracelet and gave her that one too! Erica...I'll replace that one, sweet friend! But y'all...that's what it's about. Loving on others during the good times and bad. And she's got the biggest heart I've ever seen. She's my crazy friend and I just adore her! I mean who rolls your IV pump to the bathroom during treatment when you are loopy from tons of Benadryl, and buys you jeans and purses when out and about to cheer you up, right?? We speak the same language and I'm forever grateful for her and her family.

Before going back to get my labs, I read this amazing devotion that my cute friend Jen sent me. It was spot on and all about 🌵🌵🌵. Here's three points that we can learn from the survival of a cactus and apply to our life when desert seasons come our way.
1. The word of God is our water.
2. When we aren't in the desert, we should be nourishing our souls with truth.
3. The armour of God is our protection.
Take some time and read it!
click here!I'm looking forward to a Saturday of rest, with a little Christmas shopping at a local church, and some Clemson football. Busy is my middle name and I have to tell myself to slow down sometimes. When I feel good I take advantage of that time and I embrace those moments. We're not promised tomorrow, next year, or even hours in between. My goal each day is to live each second like it is my last. I'm on a battlefield, fighting a big battle and my soldiers (you all) are precious to me. My complete focus is of course to lean on God and win the fight. So keep praying that I can do that, because I feel each and every one. There is so much sadness that comes in life, but there is so much JOY too. And that's what I try to embrace daily. There's beauty in the desert. Look for it!
"Therefore as you received Jesus Christ the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, just as you weee taught, abounding in Thanksgiving." Colossians 2:6-7
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